Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (271 - 273 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#10603 fixed 530 User elliottsgirl55 cannot log in. Fran

I am not able to connect thru FileZilla to my website. Below is the complete log of the transmission. Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS. Command: USER elliottsgirl55 Response: 331 Password required for elliottsgirl55. Command: PASS Response: 530 User elliottsgirl55 cannot log in. Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

The password has to the website has been changed several times & continues to create the same error.

#7835 invalid 530 error Albert Myers

Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ---------- Response: 220-You are user number 2 of 50 allowed. Response: 220-Local time is now 07:12. Server port: 21. Response: 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server. Response: 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity. Command: USER aemyers1 Response: 331 User aemyers1 OK. Password required Command: PASS Response: 530 Login authentication failed Error: Critical error Error: Could not connect to server

#8728 outdated 530 error hopeservices

When trying to reconnect to server an error comes up that says 530 Not logged in, home directory does not exist. We uploaded on 5/30/13 with no issues. Tried reconnecting on second computer and received the same error. We currently have version downloaded 5.26.13

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