Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (265 - 267 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#923 Sticky mouse during uploads Alexander Schuch waterhead37

My mouse pointer becomes very sticky during uploads of multiple files - just within Filezilla. In other windows, it is normal. This behaviour makes it hard to make any changes or stop the transfer while an uploading queue is being processed

Chris Knight

#5218 duplicate Site specific bookmarks not updating with multiple tabs open nathan

On the Windows version (3.3.2) while connected to separate sites in different tabs switching between the tabs does not update the site specific bookmarks. Only the most recent site's bookmarks are displayed regardless of which tab is open.

#10479 fixed User can not see the contents after login to the FTP server. Hung, Chia-Ching

My FTP server is pure-ftpd(v1.0.31). I can see the contents of the FTP Server by using FileZilla 3.10.3, But I can not see any contents of the FTP server by using FileZilla

In addition, if the FTP server is vsftpd(v3.0.2), FileZilla can display the contents of the server normally.

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