Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (262 - 264 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4798 fixed Wrong Italian translation in dialog for overwriting files starless

When you start a file transfer and a destination file already exists, a dialog appears asking if you want to overwrite it etc.

The dialog shows info about the SOURCE and DESTINATION files, to let the user compare them, but in the Italian translation they are labeled as LOCALE and REMOTO, which becomes plain wrong when you are downloading a file from a remote server to your local computer, becaus the remote file will then be labeled "local" and the local one will be labeled "remote"!

The correct translations for SOURCE and DESTINATION should be used instead, i.e.: SORGENTE e DESTINAZIONE.

#4803 fixed can't edit multiple files with same name Tyler Rasmussen

Using View / Edit - lowercase and uppercase files of same name results in error

Testcase 1 (works): Remote -> /foo/bar.html Opens as -> fz3temp-1\bar.html Remote -> /foo2/bar.html Opens as -> fz3temp-1\bar 2.html

Testcase 2 (fails): Remote -> /foo/bar.html Opens as -> fz3temp-1\bar.html Remote -> /foo2/Bar.html Opens as -> fz3temp-1\bar.html Result -> when saving bar.html, it tries to upload it to both /foo/bar.html and /foo2/Bar.html

#4805 fixed NSIS Error - Installer integrity check has failed jeremy grand

I am seeing 2 problems: the timer creation error during download that was reported elsewhere, and then, when trying to run the installer from windows explorer, the NSIS error. I'm trying to install version

  • Jeremy
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