Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (250 - 252 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4438 worksforme Fill 'File Permissions' dialog with current file permissions DavidCognito

The 'File Permissions' dialog currently displays with all boxes checked and with 'xxx' in the 'Numeric value' field.

It would be useful if the check boxes and the 'Numeric value' field reflected the values of the file being updated.

#5580 worksforme MLSD Command causes error David Freed

I have installed the latest version of Filezilla Server (0.9.36) and Client( on a 1&1 Dynamic Cloud Server running Windows WebServer 2008 R2.

I am running the latest version of Filezilla Client and Server on my workstation, which is running Windows 7 Professional.

When I try to connect to my workstation from the Cloud server I can login, but get an error when the MLSD commad is issued. When I try using the Client from my workstation I get the same error in the same place.

The error message reads: "Failed to retrieve directory listing".

#5511 duplicate Remote file not opening in editor David Brazendale

In 3.3.4-rc1 when I click on the remote file or right click and select view/edit
the file downloads to the temporary folder
but the editor does not open with the file and the files being edited table does not get updated.
This worked OK in previous versions including 3.3.3 - reverting

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