Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (247 - 249 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4684 fixed Copy URL(s) to clipboard crashes with some unicode filenames Tim Kosse andwoe

observed with FileZilla Client v3.2.6.1

When I use the "Copy URL(s) to clipboard" action in the context menu of the remote view, and the filename contains certain characters, e.g. "č", "ě" and many others -- possibly all of which are not in the active Windows code page (for me that is CP1252), the program crashes.

#4691 fixed Intallation issue with CinSteel

I am getting the timer creation failed error when I try to download the latest version. If I try to click through it, I get a 16 Bit MS-Dos popup, when I click ignore, I get an illegal instruction error. I'm never able to complete the download. I've tried downloading through the application several times. Any suggestions would be very appreciated.

#4692 fixed Remember file exists action Jesse

I would like Filezilla to remember a previously set file exists action.

For example, let's I have a queue with three files in the queue. One is set to over-write if the file exists, one to resume and another to rename. If I close Filezilla and then restart, the queue should remember the settings I picked for each file, rather than re-prompting for each one.

I'm guessing this would be a simple flag which could be saved in the queue.xml file.

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