Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (247 - 249 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4240 outdated Latest update destroyed zilla this is the worst!!!! Anyone that can help NOW Dave10

I did not want to up date as I am in the middle of a huge project but after I said no to update the program locked up.

Ok so I did the u/d bam it doesn't work at all now freezes right up.

when I try to shut down the computer the send error and end program go into a tango together......

I'm not furious just very disappointed

please help NOW

#10813 wontfix Updating to latest version trashed FZ installation DaveBerk

Win 7 Pro. A few minutes ago, I clicked the "New version available" button from within FZ and followed the prompts. Things progressed in an orderly way until the prompt that told me a FileZilla exe was still running and that all running FZ apps should be exited before updating. There was no *visible* FZ exe running at that point, and I'm sorry to say (as I had had no trouble with preceding updates initiated AT START-UP of FZ and hence wasn't paying much attention to the update process) I don't recall what the choices were, but whatever I chose has resulted in my entire FZ installation being deleted except for the exe file (dated 2/29/16).

So this method of updating (from the BUTTON) appears to not kill the running FZ.

No back-up, my fault.

#4338 fixed 3.2.3-rc1 crashes with synchronized browsing sites DavidCognito
  1. enable synchronized browsing for a site
  2. connect
  3. navigate to any sub-folder
  4. double click the local pane 'navigate up a level' icon
  5. it crashes every time
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