Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (247 - 249 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5002 duplicate synch not working on reconnect Sheryl - Rane

In site mananger I have a profile with "[x] Use Synchronized Browsing" set. After disconnecting,

  • using "Reconnnect to last used server" (icon)
  • or Server -> Reconnect

synchronization is lost.

Works fine, of course, when reconnect through Site manager.

#4471 duplicate support for WebDAV yuliu616

WebDAV is becoming popular in these days. But most WebDAV client software are not robust. In contrast, FileZilla is a very strong FTP client. If it support WebDAV, it will be even stronger. By the way, FileZilla support many kind of protocol besides the traditional FTP. Therefore, why not support WebDAV as well (since the function of it is very similar)?

#1991 fixed support for BACK button anonymous

Great application.. Would be nice with support for the BACK message to go to the previous folder though.. at least in the remote window.. should be pretty quick to do, too ;o)


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