Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (244 - 246 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#9982 worksforme Updates wrong version Winston

I have Filezilla x64, but the automated update installed x86. Also my current version ( x64) won't be uninstalled during the update process.

#3164 30 sec startup when disconnected network drives exists sire404

FileZilla 3 beta 10 takes a very long time to start up if you have disconnected network drives in Windows.

Recreate problem: tools / map network drive choose another computer in the network
computer\c$ or whatever save the connection with "reconnect at logon" FileZilla still starts up fine remove the other computer from the network (unplug network cable) FileZilla now takes ~30 sec to start.

Related to [ 1578753 ] Scan Floppy and slow startup

#3306 3021 Client Corrupting Transfers drfoo

Brand new Win2K install with current updates. Installed FileZilla 3021 to copy some programs and such from another machine on the LAN. Zipfiles seem to go just dandy, but I've discovered numerous .exe and .jpg files that consistently copy incorrectly with no reports of errors. The copy is invariably smaller than the original, but I've determined that the files are NOT simply truncated as I thought initially.

I installed FZ 2232 on the same machine and it transfers the same files perfectly. The server in question is FZ Server 0.9.18 beta, but I don't really think that's an issue because of the following.

I installed FZ 3021 to another machine and attempted to transfer one of the problem files from a Linux machine running vsftpd and ended up with an identically corrupted file (I did a binary compare with one from the other machine).

I'm attaching a jpeg that has this problem.

MD5 of good file: 05872a9ed5da1fe69161a0469e0213ab *bigball.jpg (106228 bytes) MD5 of bad copy: 2655392d8646aeefd912ff9db8ef0b62 *bigball.jpg (40692 bytes)

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