Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (241 - 243 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#304 Invalid PORT command lennyh03

With V 2.1.6, I cannot connect to a site via port 2121. System responds with "Invalid PORT Command" and "Could not retrieve directory listing".

I can connect fine to this same site via this same port using WS-FTP and SmartFTP.

#305 Dragging files directly to the desktop anonymous

When I try to drag files from the remote site to my desktop or someother location outside of FileZilla it won't let me.. if I drag from remote to local within file zilla it works great.. is there a way to allow file zilla to do this?

#306 SFTP using SSH2 not working in Win9x gboutwel

My father & co-workers had reported problems with Win9x (98 SE & ME) connecting to my SFTP server. I use Win2k (at home) & XP (at work) and didn't have any problems with FileZilla connecting.

I now have an Windows 98SE laptop that I'm experiencing the same problem my father & co-worker had.

Steps to reproduce the problem on Win98SE:

1) Install FileZilla 2) Choose 'secure' mode - where it doesn't keep passwords 3) Choose XML, not registry for settings. 4) Run program 5) Open site manager, add site, choosing type of SFTP using SSH2 6) Attempt a connect, entering password when prompted for it.

Results of the above:

COMMAND: CONNECT server:22, initializing SFTP connection... FzSFtp.exe did not respon, terminating connection...

which repeats over and over until the timeout/retries are reached.

I have tried v2.1.4, 2.1.5, and now 2.1.6a on this machien and they all result in the same.

I'm will to assist with the resolution of this bug as much as possible. I even have MS VC 6 on this laptop, & have installed v2.1.6a w/source

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