Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (238 - 240 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1404 FZ Server Admin's Log Unusable With High Contrast Theme Alexander Schuch user2037

The log window area of the Admin tool changes the font color to black but leaves the background color up to Windows. This makes the log messages invisible unless the text is selected when Windows uses a black background (such as the High Contrast Themes).

#1409 Minor Bug While Uploading. Alexander Schuch xxkinetikxx

While uploading a large number of files the Remote Site: says <Not connected to any server> when in fact it is connected.

#1422 <Not connected to any server> Alexander Schuch dwarheit

I am using Filezilla 3.1.0. Whenever I either upload files from my PC to my FTP server or download files from my FTP server to my PC, the remote site info "Filename, Filesize, Filetype, etc will disappear and the message <Not connected to any server> appears where the files should be. This message happens when I get about 1/2 of the files transferred. I am transferring about 900+ files at a time. The files transfer OK even though I get the message because I am still connected to the remote FTP server.

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