Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (238 - 240 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#300 Using "Move down" in Queue doesn't work robbage_techie

Sometimes using the "Move down" item in the queue doesn't work. Seems to be after adding to the queue. Works later on.

#302 retry too fast! anonymous

In "Setting"->"Connetction"->"retry Setting",I set 60 seconds to retry,but when I conncet to a ftp site,when the site say "too many users - please try again later",then it show "Error : Unable to connect!",and retey the site right now.

#303 Getting directory listing on SSL EXplicit sites fails mrflibble

When logging in to an SSL EXplicit-enabled site, after the LIST command has been sent, nothing happens, then the client times out.

This happened on Filezilla 2.1.5 when trying to connect to ProFTPD 1.2.8 and 1.2.8rc2 servers. The server certificate is accepted, but then no directory listing appears. The client times out, but the server connection stays open (until the server times it out).

Other clients (smartftp, ws_ftp, and the client from work fine.


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