Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (238 - 240 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12539 fixed Insecure server permission disappears Henri

My micro-server (Fritz!Box) lacks some security features such as TLS session resumption. Each time I connect I have to allow this connection again. The bug is that the option checkbox "Always allow…" works only during the current session. The next time I start FileZilla, the pop-up windows appears again with unchecked option.

#12536 worksforme login authentication kent wenger

I am an instructor and one of my students cannot log into FileZilla. The messages he receives are: "331 User xxxxx OK, Password required" then "530 Login authentication failed".

He has changed his password with no success.

What are the username and password requirements for FileZilla? Are certain symbols or characters not allowed in the username or password?

Thanks in advance,

Kent Wenger

#12532 worksforme The TLS connection was non-properly terminated tm8544

When I connect to Filezilla Server using Filezilla Client and then disconnect, there is the following error (IP address and username obscured)

2021-09-21T14:01:06.306Z !! [FTP Session 653 192.168.XXX.XXX XXXX] GnuTLS error -110 in gnutls_record_recv: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.
2021-09-21T14:01:06.306Z == [FTP Session 653 192.168.XXX.XXX XXXX] Client did not properly shut down TLS connection
2021-09-21T14:01:06.306Z !! [FTP Session 653 192.168.XXX.XXX XXXX] Control channel closed with error from source 0. Reason: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted.
2021-09-21T14:01:06.306Z !! [FTP Server] Session ended with error from source 0. Reason: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted.

FileZilla Server versio 1.0.1 FileZilla Client version 3.55.1 Both running in Windows 10 Pro x64 version 10.0.19043.1237

I don't know whether this is a bug in server or client, I just reported it for the server.

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