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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4346 outdated Multi-level directories and files upload problem AcidSlide

I have been uploading files which has more than 7,400+ files and 2,200+ directories for the past 2 days to our web hosting. I have tried the upload a dozen of times every time clearing the files again on the server to make sure that it will re-upload everything.

The problem encountered is after checking the files, there are a lot of missing files on the server especially if its in the 2nd or 3rd level directory although files on lower directories are complete (well it looks like its complete).

After a couple of re-tries (deleting and re-uploading the files), I checked the list of "Successful Transfer" and the missing files was not in the list. Note, there are no failed transfers.

After this, I re-queued the files by dragging the files again to the Queue list. Making sure the files that I noticed are missing is in the queue list. This time, I didn't delete the files in the server but selected the "Skip" option for the existing files.

It was able to upload some of the missing files, but after running the web application there are still lots of missing files.

This is getting tiring. Its not possible to check every 7,400+ files to see if they are all uploaded. Just checking them will take days which will hamper our productivity. Actually it already hampered our development and productivity since I have been trying to upload our web app since yesterday.

I know this was working prior to updating to the current version (

OS is Windows XP with SP3

#12370 worksforme Save options when uploading existing file Acodi

Every time I update a file the program opens a window with options if the file exists. Although there is an option to "always use this option" it always opens the window. Please create a way to mantain the "always use this option"

#7229 rejected refund Elizabeth Shin

Re: Receipt No: 2137-0381-9776-6373 Invoice ID:0920414084426

I'd like a refund. Thank you.

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