Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (22 - 24 of 8174)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#22 Wrong filesize in overwrite dialog Tim Kosse anonymous

When uploading a file with a name that already is on the server, the "File already exists" dialog shows the size of the file you want to upload both in the description of the offline and the online file, but it does not show the true size of the file on the server.

#23 V1.5(a) File not found error Tim Kosse anonymous

I'm using windows ME (haven't tried on other v of windoze yet) and when UPLOADING any file i get an error when it tries to transfer the file.

Windows error occurs saying Error occured in Filezilla.exe filezilla will now close

close that error and i get Error occured in MFC42.dll filezilla will now close

and close filezilla does.

Every file every time - ideas neone?

#24 Reconect function remembers password Tim Kosse anonymous

When defining a entry list for a ftp server, if "Remember password" is unchecked, the application will ask for the password when connecting, but it doesn't when reconnecting. Even afer closing-reopenin the app.

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