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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#66 unc name not recognized anonymous

If my local directory is an unc name (eg
winserver\c$\temp) and a file is downloaded, the program thinks the unc name is a relative directory name and appends the unc name. So the local file is stored in
winserver\c$\temp\winserver\c$\temp\file.dat and not in

#67 Can't create multiple levels of director anonymous

When uploading a folder, version 1.7b does not create each level of the path separately, the server can only create one folder at a time. The result is that FileZilla continues to upload the files with an "upload failed" response from the server because the path doesn't exist.

if you have any questions let me know. Great product!

#68 File Resume Fails peterhead

Tried multiple times under different servers (IIS, WarFTPd, and FileZilla) and the same thing happens. Two friends have verified. It worked under other FTP clients.

I thought the resume command was something like STOR not APPE, but the protocol may have changed. Perhaps support for that command will fix it.

I have attached the logfile so you can see what is going on. I started the file, cancelled it, then tried resuming.

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