Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (232 - 234 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#558 XML should be auto ASCII wernight

XML files should be transfered as ASCII by default.

See [ htm ].

#5659 rejected problems with german umlauts Werner

Dear filezilla team,

with downloading a file containing german umlauts and / or a directory with german umlauts an error occurs with cannot open file. I am using the latest version.

with best regards Werner

#2713 outdated Configuring double-click action werecougar

Double-clicking a file always transfers the file, where, if I'm not mistaken, in FZ 2.x the behavior was configurable to either:

1) Do nothing 2) Transfer the file 3) Open/view the file 4) Add file to queue

This would help those users that are so used to double-clicking a file to open/edit (like myself) and prevent accidental up/downloads.

I would hope that this feature would be re-implemented so that we can configure local and remote behavior separately. For instance, double-click on local does nothing, where double-click on remote opens/views the file.

*My FZ version: 3.0.0*

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