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Results (223 - 225 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#223 filezilla 2.1.2 italian interface anonymous

Hi, in italian interface, translation of option windows - Ident Server customization is not implemented.

String: "Some FTP servers require that you have an Ident server running when connecting to them. Enable Ident server. User ID - System Enable only when connecting. Only accept requests from the same IP"

May be translate:

"Alcuni server FTP richiedono che ti abbia un server Ident in esecuzione quando ti connetti

Abilita il server Ident

ID Utente (or untraslate it) - Sistema

Abilita solo quando è connesso. Accetta solo le richieste provenienti dallo stesso IP"



#224 cd to dir in tree w/ read protect fails anonymous

This is similar, but not the same as bug #515812. That bug report deals with not being able to change dir into a directory with list protect. My bug report refers to trying to change dir into a directory _further_ below a directory with list protect.

For example, dir /var/log has list disabled (via disabling read), but has navigation enabled (via enabling execute). Subdirs (and subsubdirs, etc.) below /var/log allow both reading and navigation. So, I should be able to use Filezilla to get to /var/log/foo and /var/log/foo/bar and even /var/log/foo/bar/baz. Indeed, Filezilla will show me the contents of /var/log/foo, but it will not show me the contests of either /var/log/foo/bar, nor /var/log/foo/bar/baz. Filezilla stops at 1 level down.

If it can do 1 level down, why not 2 and 3? Using

WS_FTP works (though it does complain about not being able to set the directory identifier; but at least I can get a listing and transfer the needed files).

An example from the log:

Command: CD /var/log/foo/bar/ Response: Remote working directory is now /var/log/foo Status: Directory listing successfull

In this example from the log, the directory listing is that of /var/log/was, which is interesting because it shows that Filezilla can list dir contents 1 level below a read-protected dir. It can not list dir contents more levels down.

#225 Transfer status "hangs" anonymous

When downloading from an FTP server that enjoys disconnecting frequently, FileZilla will attempt to retry the file. When it's "had enough" the transfer status will indicate "Transferring" but nothing is actually happening. I can reconnect to the FTP server, however the transfer status doesn't change. If I right-click on the download job, my only option is "Remove from queue" and "Move Up/Down." If I choose "Remove" the job doesn't get removed from the queue and the status stays at "transferring." Closing and reopening FileZilla is the only way to clear the status.

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