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Results (223 - 225 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#9428 duplicate time shift when send/receive files from remote server me Albert

Internet plans (like mine) have sometimes different capacities in different hours of the day and night. Would it be possible to set the time to start for downloading/sending files from/to remote server at a certain time? For instance, I have a limit of my LTE connection for 35 GB a month plus another 50 GB between 1 a.m. to 7.a.m. As a journalist and a photographer I have to send pretty big graphic files to my editor, so with my internet plan it would be more convenience to set a time shift in sending these files during the night time.... Best regards, Wojciech Adam Jurzyk (Albert) w.a.jurzyk@…

#5085 fixed time for to in speed limits lost after reboot pjsat

When setting speed limits at particular times, it is not being written to the xml file properly under Win7 64 bit

e.g. <SpeedLimits DlType="3" DlLimit="10" ServerDlLimitBypass="1" UlType="0" UlLimit="10" ServerUlLimitBypass="1"> <Download> <Rule Speed="25" Hour="6" Minute="0" Second="0"> <Days>127</Days> <From /> <To /> </Rule> <Rule Speed="12" Hour="23" Minute="0" Second="0"> <Days>127</Days> <From /> <To /> </Rule> </Download> <Upload /> </SpeedLimits>

As soon as the server is restated it loses the times you set the limits at.

Same on 9.33 and 9.34.

#10430 fixed this site is insanely slow teo8976

Filing or editing a bug report, or adding a comment, take about 30 seconds to one minute. This is not usable.

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