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Results (217 - 219 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#11809 rejected timeout and WHM/cPanel Bert

The user successfully logs in. But then, nothing... the directory listing cannot be retrieved... the timeout is reached.

When this happens, in addition to the messages that are already being displayed in the status log textarea at the top of the application, the end-user should get a pop-up with information.

The pop-up should say something about transfer modes, and it should say that the firewall of the server may be blocking incoming connections.

The well-known CSF firewall that almost everyone uses with WHM/cPanel installs has a TCP_IN that does not include the 30000:50000 range.

FileZilla is such a well-known client that, again and again, our customers kept running into this issue. We've been telling them for years to use WinSCP and to avoid FileZilla. I've personally told many customers to avoid FileZilla because it doesn't work properly. Clearly, WinSCP can do something that FileZilla cannot.

You have to make sure that end-users understand what's going on, and that they can ask their server administrator to open that TCP_IN port range.

Even if - hypothetically - what I'm writing above is nonsense, and I don't understand FTP or passive/active modes at all, there's still a problem. I'm the system administrator of several servers with up to a thousands accounts. Only today I figured out I can "fix" FileZilla for customers by changing CSF settings. If only the first FileZilla end-user who contacted me could've told me.

#3447 timeout ptrouw

I am using nightly build. After a minut or so i am getting a "421 Timeout" message, which logs my off. The setting 0 - 9999 doesn't seem to work.

#7990 duplicate timed bandwidth throttle mechanism (speed limit) moug

With limited bandwidth being shared Filezilla can be a bit of a data hog.

Can I suggest a kb/sec download limit maximum transfer rate. This is a similar mechanism that some bit torrent clients have (Vuze)

I would also imagine an improvement over this feature that would allow a timetable of transfer rates. This would for example allow an increase in transfer rates after office hours, or overnight when the network is idle.

An example would be below:

Start  End  Download Bandwidth    Upload Bandwidth
0830 - 1730 10k bytes per sec     5k bytes per sec
1731 - 2000 50k bytes per sec     20k bytes per sec
2001 - 0700 unlimited             unlimited
0701 - 0829 50k bytes per sec     20k bytes per sec

I think this would a very good feature in shared network environments and for unattended operation of backups/large complex transfers.

I would suggest having separate upload and download limits for people with asymmetrical bandwidth connectivity.

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