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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#170 timeouts on SSL downloads kevinmack

Clients: FileZilla 2.0.0.a on Win98SE and W2K

Servers: ProFTPD 1.2.6rc1-tls listening on port 990 on Solaris 8 and Linux using explicit SSL.

Uploads work fine, but downloads are getting timeout errors. The files transfer completely but FileZilla's status stays at 100% for several seconds before issuing the timeout error.

The same files transfer without problems using the lftp 2.6 client on Linux.

#9751 fixed timeout receiving directory list Francisco Henkel

I was working fine with just the previous versión of filezilla as son as I have updated to this last version I start to get get next error: receiving a directory list it fails by timeout. the server is working well the failure happens in different directories ramdomly, that is, sometimes it Works fine in directory aaaa but other times not

it Works fine using regular commands from a cmd window

I have observed the same problemin an old versión but it was fixed in last versions (sorry that I can not be more precise)

Estado: Conectando a Estado: Conexión establecida, esperando el mensaje de bienvenida... Respuesta: 220-FileZilla Server version 0.9.34 beta Respuesta: 220-written by Tim Kosse (Tim.Kosse@…) Respuesta: 220 Please visit Comando: USER ftpuser Respuesta: 331 Password required for ftpuser Comando: PASS * Respuesta: 230 Logged on Comando: SYST Respuesta: 215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla Comando: FEAT Respuesta: 211-Features: Respuesta: MDTM Respuesta: REST STREAM Respuesta: SIZE Respuesta: MLST type*;size*;modify*; Respuesta: MLSD Respuesta: UTF8 Respuesta: CLNT Respuesta: MFMT Respuesta: 211 End Estado: Conectado Estado: Recuperando el listado del directorio... Comando: CWD /SoftwareRecibido Respuesta: 550 CWD failed. "/SoftwareRecibido": directory not found. Comando: PWD Respuesta: 257 "/" is current directory. Comando: TYPE I Respuesta: 200 Type set to I Comando: PORT 192,168,1,35,62,225 Respuesta: 200 Port command successful Comando: MLSD Respuesta: 150 Opening data channel for directory list. Respuesta: 226 Transfer OK Estado: Directorio listado correctamente Estado: Recuperando el listado del directorio... Comando: CWD TauroPlatform Respuesta: 250 CWD successful. "/TauroPlatform" is current directory. Comando: PWD Respuesta: 257 "/TauroPlatform" is current directory. Comando: PORT 192,168,1,35,62,249 Respuesta: 200 Port command successful Comando: MLSD Respuesta: 150 Opening data channel for directory list. Respuesta: 226 Transfer OK Error: Conexión superó el tiempo de espera Error: Error al recuperar el listado del directorio

#1419 timeout during transfer behind proxy micha137

We have a virus scanning proxy here. Upon download, it will fetch the file, scan it and then transfer it to FTP client.

While the file is fetched, the FTP client doesn't see anything. This triggers a timeout. FileZilla has a maximum timeout of 999 seconds. For files of several hundred megabytes or slow FTP servers, this timeout is too low.

A workaround is to set the timeout not via the settings GUI dialog, but change it directly in the filezilla.xml config file.

Please remove the artificial limit of 999 seconds when conguring the timeout via GUI allow to disable timeout completely. I understand that under normal circumstances having timeouts is good and 999 is unresonalby high. But we have special circumstances here. Thank you.

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