Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (214 - 216 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#11084 rejected Explorer hangs after uploading files/folders wheeey-


everytime I try to upload anything to my server, my explorer.exe hangs. There's no Windows event log or an error message. So, after uploading, I have to stop the explorer.exe task and restart it. Is there a solution to fix it?

Thanks in advance!

#4718 rejected Dreamweaver SFTP with FIleZilla Server Warren


I tried registering for forums but it kept saying my confirmation code was incorrect. I tried about 3 times from different computers and same, even though I was typing in the code from the graphic. May be it is IE8? I don't know. So logging a ticket instead hope that is okay.

I have downloaded FileZilla server and using/forcing SSL FTP. Works fine with WS_FTP client, but can't get it working with Dreamweaver MX 2004 or CS3. Ticking the SFTP (Secure FTP) box and it connects (if I change server port to listen on 22 or use :990 in url) but then times out (doesn't get past username/password) thing.

Will it work with Dreamweaver for secure FTP? If so any special setings?

#1177 Windows (XP) Shortcuts not working whdconsultant

I'm pretty sure this used to work before 2.2.23. I am currently using 2.2.28.

Now, when you click on a shortcut ("symlink") in the LOCAL file list, instead of moving to that directory (like it used to), it now opens up that directory in a Windows directory view window. (I don't think it's even a file explorer window -- is there a diff?)

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