Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (211 - 213 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#272 SSH connection not working anonymous

I have tried to use FileZila to connect a secureftp server. After entering the password, it can get connected and list the directory.

However, apart from list directory, I cannot do anything like cd, get, put,

#273 Remember Settings k-hanchette

I am not sure if this is a but or a feature. I always sort by date for both the local and the server. I also adjust the widths of the columns to the way I like them. When I close the program, it goes back to the defaults. Under FileZilla Options I have checked Remember last used configuration, but it does not. I also have checked the box for Remember column width in details style. Last I have to check the box to overwrite if newer every time I restart the program. I would be nice if it could remember this setting.

Excellent program.

Thanks Kris

I am using Version 2.1.4b

#274 pumps up users directories anonymous

Strange effect appears when setting up user's accessible directories. One dir e.g. F:/UPLOAD is shown twice or even more. And it grows with the time...

Send further questions to penzgnu@…

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