Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (211 - 213 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12598 outdated Critical error: Could not connect to server Lexi Smit

When trying to connect to the server, I receive the following error:

"Critical error: Could not connect to server"

#12595 fixed Cant connect to my FTP Server trough Filezilla AdrianR

Hello, my Client got an Problem where she couldnt log in in our FTP Server it worked before but now she only gets the error Failed to connect to the server, on other PCs it worked but for her not. Is it maybe because she is using a vpn to connect to our Server and using wlan that it is too slow.

best regards Adrian Reider

#12593 wontfix pb caractère générique * et ? avec la commande mget avec la version 1.1.0 Eric MARTY

pb caractère générique * et ? avec la commande mget Depuis un client FTP sur Microsoft Windows server 2012 vers un serveur FTP FileZilla Version 1.1.0 sous Windows server 2012 lors de l'éxcution de la commande mget te*.txt j'obtiens l'erreur suivante :

R:ICMP port unreachable

425 Error reading from file: 5

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