Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (208 - 210 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#10570 fixed 3.12.0-rc1 welcome dialog has broken links to welcome2 (should be welcome) digitaltoast

Just installed 3.12.0-rc1 and in the Welcome dialog, all the links point to, eg:

although the host resolves, there is no such page, but this can be fixed by changing welcome2.filezilla... to welcome.filezilla...

#4276 duplicate 3.2.2 doesn't handle download of directory tree correctly farfouille

Steps to reproduce :

1/ connect to a remote ftpd 2/ select a remote directory 3/ using contextual menu, ask for download in a local empty directory (or drag & drop the directory from the remote windows to the local one)

Result : it seems that some -- not all -- sub directories can't be created in the local folder.

In the example : I have selected 2 direcories : languages and pdf : pdf is ok but not language.

I join a log file.

PS : this bug doesn't occur with 3.2.1.

Thank you

#4329 worksforme not showing uploads Roberta_T

The former version I had listed the successful upload in the lower right box. Now, it only showed the first upload, yet said my uploads were successful. It also looked like they were successful.

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