Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (190 - 192 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4691 fixed Intallation issue with CinSteel

I am getting the timer creation failed error when I try to download the latest version. If I try to click through it, I get a 16 Bit MS-Dos popup, when I click ignore, I get an illegal instruction error. I'm never able to complete the download. I've tried downloading through the application several times. Any suggestions would be very appreciated.

#10290 fixed Unable to do a new Install of FileZilla_3.10.2_win32-setup on Windows7 and 8 ClDc

1) 2 days ago I tried to install FZ on the computer of a friend. This was a new installation.

Environment: Windows 8 + internet Explorer (IE) + Kapersky as antivirus I analyzed the exe installation file once downloaded with Kapersky, no issue reported. When I executed the file, it was hanging with an empty or black pop-up windows openening. I had to stop the computer and restart it

I think the file was around 700 ko ( the same size than the one mentioned by IE while confirming the download).

2) Today on my computer, where FZ is installed since a long time, and is runing as expected, I received an update and I see that FileZilla_3.10.2_win32-setup.exe is around 6064 Ko I got no issue while installing an using this new update.

Then I tried to download FileZilla from FZ site on my computer: Windows 7 + Chrome + Norton

Norton stopped the downloading sending messages as : "c90f.tmp (suspicious.Cloud9) deleted"

At the end no file is downloaded

the file c90f.tmp is loaded from

Is the downloaded file corrupted? or is it a malware? I have no more access to the Windows 8 environment and hope to have not installed a malware on this computer which is not mine.

In both cases I started the download from: and was redirected to sourceforge

Thanks for your time

#12604 rejected Unable to Connect to Server Emily

I am trying to upload a new file, and I keep getting the following error message: Status: Connecting to Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=11 Command: open "EYE35413@…" 22 Error: Could not connect to server

I have updated and we are on the latest version. Please call or email. 940-691-5645, emily@…. Thank you!

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