Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (190 - 192 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1049 Typing remote site does not is accepted Alexander Schuch dkloster

The VxWorks ftp server has different root directories.

It can have C: or D: as a root directory. When I type

in D: (or D:\, or D:/, or D, or /D) in the remote site box, it does not navigate to the remote site. The default is C: and when I type in D:, the message log pane says that it is trying to navigate to /C:/D:/. So it seems like it prepends the current site to the typed in remote site.

One workaround that I found was right click in the message log pane and Enter Command. If I Enter Command CWD D:, and then double click .. (CDUP) in the Remote site pane, then D: is correctly shown. Once I have done this manual sequence, I can then type in C: or D: in the Remote Site box and correctly see the C: site or the D: site.

One other note: I tried typing C: or D: in the default remote directory in the advanced area of Site Manager and it had similar results (didn't not navigate to D:).

I have attached the text from the Message log pane, along with some comments I inserted.

Thanks you any help you could provide.

#1050 retrieving directory list from server Alexander Schuch raydegennaro

We can get through using a command line ftp, but filezilla returns this error message:

Error: Transfer channel can't be opened. Reason: The requested address is not valid in its context. Error: Timeout detected!

We are using xitami version 2.5c2 filezilla version 2.2.19a OS: Windows xp pro service pack 2.

#1059 Unable to manually enter a filename Alexander Schuch clockwerx
  1. Connect to FTP server
  2. Get a directory listing of some kind
  3. Add a file, example.txt, to that directory external

to filezilla.

  1. Enter /path/to/file/example.txt in the server

address bar.

Expected: File is downloaded.

Actual: A warning that /path/to/file/example.txt/ is not a directory.

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