Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (184 - 186 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#9861 duplicate Don't touch APPDATA, let user to use this as a portable application developer wlclsl37

Please don't touch APPDATA! I use "FZ Server" like a portable apps.

FileZilla Server Interface.exe FileZilla Server Interface.xml FileZilla Server.exe FileZilla Server.xml

Your new version break it. If was already exist, then don't make a new folder/file to APPDATA. Please reconsider.

#3842 duplicate Transfer type icon in top icon row wjbell

I love Filezilla but the only thing I miss is a quick way to change transfer type. I'm constantly changing between ASCII and Binary and don't always trust the Auto setting.

Right now I need to go up to transfer > transfer type and select. I would be nice to have a right clickable icon with the selections right there or three separate buttons.

#4655 worksforme Downloads not recursing folders and multiple slashes in folder list wizzardmr42

I'm attempting to download files from a remote site using FileZilla Client Any files which are in the selected folder are correctly downloaded, but any folders FileZilla does a directory listing and doesn't add anything to the queue.

I think there is a clue in the remote site - it starts off when I connect with the path D:/home/\

If I go into that and enter the Default folder within home, it changes to D:/home//Default/\ I then have 2 entries in the remote folder list at the top level - each of the above entries. If I pop out D:/home/\ and try to select Default, it won't do anything and any folders that have popped out have ?s on them

If I now pop out D:/home//Default/\ and go into test.test, the remote path becomes D:/home//Default/test.test/\ and this is also added to the remote folder list.

If I continue this process further, I end up with something like D:/home//Default/test.test//htdocs/aspnet_client//system_web/2_0_50727/\ and a number of entries at the top level of the list.

The server that I am remoting to is Matrix FTP Server (from Fasthosts - provided with a dedicated server) running on Windows 2003 Server. I suspect that some of the problem may be coming from this, but I have tried it with an old copy of FileZilla 2.2.32 on my Windows XP Pro machine and that works fine - it recurses downloads perfectly and I get a path like D:/home/Default/test.test/htdocs/aspnet_client/system_web/2_0_50727/

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