Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (184 - 186 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#244 .lnk files not resolved anonymous

The .lnk files are not being resolved, whereas they were resolved in earlier versions.

#245 file resuming impossible killakid

Version 2.1.3 seems to be unable to resume files' upload to remote server.

#246 timezone handling briankdlee

First of all, I'm very appreciate for excellent ftp client software.

I'm using filezilla 2.1.3a. When I uploaded some files, I found file modification time is not displayed correctly. Filezilla seems to display UTC time, not local time.

File modification time is saved correctly, but displaying time seems to have problems.

My timezone is KST(GMT+0900) and filezilla display file modification time nine hours late.

It's better to display time according to local timezone, not UTC time.

It will be helpful to you. Bye.

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