Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (181 - 183 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12640 rejected Error connecting to server chris

hello for some reason when i try to connect to my dayz server it says my ip is banned i have had this happen before trying to connect but then later it let me just trying to figure out why it keeps doing this

#12638 outdated FileZilla client creates directory with non-valid names MoopMeep

using filezilla to download directories from a openVMS system. The OpenVMS system has a directory named "CON". filezilla creates a directory in windows called "CON" when I ftp the directory but it causes issue since this is an invalid directory name. Explorer wouldn't do anything when I tried to delete the 'CON' directory, cmd.exe gave an 'access is denied' when I would try to remove the directory. Checking security and trying to do anything on the folder that was created would just result in various errors about access denied, unexpected error, undetermined error etc. Researching I found that there certain keywords that are not allowed to be used as directory names and "CON" is one of those. I was able to eventually remove the directory but I had to search around to find a specific rd command to do this as the other options (rd, rmdir, explorer) wouldn't remove the directory.

#12637 worksforme Entry "has empty native path and no mount nodes: this should never happen... Paul A Siegerist

Error occurs when trying to perform a file transfer from Rebex C# emdedded client using FTP over TLS protocol. Command prior to the error is "MLSD." After error message is "550 Couldn't open the file or directory. No logs were created by Filezilla to post. Embedded client error when trying to transfer the file was "15:52:59.656 Error Info: Rebex.Net.FtpException: Couldn't open the file or directory (550)." Both a virtual and Native path were entered in the Users section - that do exist with full control to the user logging into via the FTP client.

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