Custom Query (8170 matches)


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Results (175 - 177 of 8170)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4265 fixed Make big digits format more user friendly. silamantex


It is difficult to read some values in FileZilla Server interface. Such received/sent bytes number etc.

I would like to propouse patch. It divide big numbers by groups, with three digits per each. It is much more easy to read.


#4266 fixed downloaded latest update and cannot open my files Angie Wasia

I get the error message: Call-list.2009xls cannot be opened. The associated program(WX_DDE#"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\EXCEL.EXE"\e#Excel#systen#[open("Call_List_2009.xls")]) could not be found. Please check your file type associations.

Yikes! How do I get back to the last version? Can I delete this last update and go back to another version? Thank you for your help! Angie

#4271 fixed direct access to encrypted ssh keys Joost

I am aware of filezilla's ability of communicating with pageant. However, in my situation, I'm not able to use pageant: I have to use Filezilla on a Citrix farm, and pageant isn't, and will not be, installed on this farm. So at the moment I'm stuck with unencrypted SSH keys, which, as you may imagine, isn't making my security staff very happy.

Are there any plans to implement direct access to encrypted SSH keys in Filezilla, or is this something that will never be implemented?

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