Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (169 - 171 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#509 typo in mainfrm.cpp (client 2.2.1a) regarding remote view gcheadley

Line 1227 in MainFrm.cpp for getting the configured option for the remote view status bar is:

COptions::SetOption(OPTION_SHOWLOCALSTATUSBAR, GetFtpPane()->IsStatusbarEnabled()?1:0);

should be:

COptions::SetOption(OPTION_SHOWREMOTESTATUSBAR, GetFtpPane()->IsStatusbarEnabled()?1:0);

#5397 fixed typo fixes in fr.po language file thomasleibovici

The attached patch fixes the following errors in the french language file:

"après avoir transféré %s dans %s": the 2nd "%s" is a time, not a location, so the good word is "en", not "dans": -"après avoir transféré %s dans %s" +"après avoir transféré %s en %s"

other similar errors: -"avoir transféré %s in %s" +"avoir transféré %s en %s" -"%s transféré dans %s" +"%s transféré(s) en %s"

#5144 outdated trying to upgrade from to 3.3.1 leads to "Time creation failed" error message J.K. Salome

Steps i did: 1)Open filezilla verion 2)Click "Nieuwe versie beschikbaar!" button (Im using the Dutch version) 3)Select 3.3.1 (only option available) 4)press volgende (Next) 5)press Opslaan (Save) (without changing default download settings, set to <usernam>/downloads) Result: Popup screen saying "Time creation failed"

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