Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (160 - 162 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#10357 duplicate New Release just updated 3.10.3 Wayne Schaffnit

Immediately after updated, ZileZilla will not connect to a server. Other programs are accessing the internet, so that's not the issue. I did close and reopen FileZilla, but no joy.

#10358 invalid New Release just updated 3.10.3 Wayne Schaffnit

Immediately after updated, ZileZilla will not connect to a server. Other programs are accessing the internet, so that's not the issue. I did close and reopen FileZilla, but no joy.

#8630 outdated Site FTP list is broken in secondary monitor Wilson

The Site FTP list get out of the monitor in my secondary monitor, this happens because the resolution is lower than the primary monitor.

If I move the window to the primary, the list will show just fine.

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