Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (157 - 159 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#216 send quit to disconnect anonymous

it seems that for some reason client doesn't send ftp quit command when it's disconnecting.

#217 Cannot handle running out of space pmwhite

I have my hard drive logically partitioned -- the first partition has Windows and FileZilla, the second one is only 40 MB in size for misc. stuff.

When I am transferring a large (51 MB) file to my second partition, at some point (not immediately, but I guess when it runs out of space) FileZilla pops up a window saying that this file already exists and would I like to overwrite it, skip it, rename it, etc. When I choose overwrite it, FileZilla begins transferring the file from the beginning. When I choose rename it, FileZilla creates a 0-byte file with that name and immediately pops up the same window again.

Suggested behavior: pop up a message saying that the volume is out of space and possibly offer to save to a different location.

#218 FZ Server 0.7.4 download not working zeeceebee

I downloaded the new versionof Filezilla server, and when double-clicked the exe file pops open a window that looks like it will run like the installer for the client of FZ, but after a fraction of second it disappears and nothing happens.

In case I had a bad transfer I went ahead and downloaded it again from a different mirror, with the same result. To be extra a redundant I tried it one more time a couple hours later, and had the same result.

I tried to eliminate anything on my end which may be interfering, such as antivirus software and other apps, and still have not been able to get it to work, so I thought I should let you know.

Thanks for a great product - I appreciate Filezilla immensely!

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