Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (157 - 159 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12684 worksforme Local file list blank Guy Ellis

Upgrading from Filezilla 3.40 to 3.58 (64 bit on Win 7), version 3.58 always shows file list for local machine as blank or no files. Cannot find solution in forum or other tickets.

Also could not find on download options to fetch older versions - was unable to use FTP for days until found a copy of 3.40.

Keep up the good work, Filezilla is the best FTP client available, but when it fails, we fall into the blackhole. :)

#12682 fixed 1.3.0 server crashes _shape2

Hi, while I can't repro on demand (yet), I am having server crashes. The error suggests it's a memory access violation (Sig[6].Value=c0000005) I was running a VERY old version of the server. I recently installed 1.3.0 and since I did, I get the same crashes on both servers.

I am attaching the windows crash report. Happy to provide any more data that i can.

Server : windows server 2022 standard ram: 8gig configured, utilization never jumps over 50% of the ram cpu: 4 cores When they crash, only a single client is connected, uploading via single thread.

#12680 rejected Bug listen file on win 7 Reowulf

i try all versions portable cludnt version server version

i cannot list my owner pc Harddisk C or D or any one from stick i can connect the server and transfer files from server to my laptop but ohnly on Main Drive like D or D i cannot list any folder on my Lapto to see files or folder on my PC on Server side i can see folder and change them and can see files too und transfer them in both ways .

But no version and latest version 3.58.0 64bit dont whant open any folder on my laptop . win 7 Pro

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