Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (154 - 156 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#10692 duplicate menu icons broken in context menu Wiljo

The icons for upload/download in the right-click menu are broken sometimes, see screenshot. Using FZ on mac/el capitan in dutch language.

#10963 fixed cannot drag files to another app any more Wiljo

Before the last update I was able to drag a selected file from the Local site to my mail app to another app in the dock. I used this to mail files from Filezilla without having to go to Finder. Since the last update Filezilla will not let me drag files from there any more.

#12602 fixed new version cannot be downloaded Wiljo

For the last two or three versions, I keep getting a 'new version available' message, but in the pop after startup (same when clicking the top menu item) I see: "The new version could not be downloaded".

The links with details and website just below that text only show when I hover them, I discovered this by accident. "Details" say: Started update check on 2021-12-13 19:41:59 Own build type: official Requesting Resolving address of Connecting to Connection established, initializing TLS... Verifying certificate... TLS connection established, sending HTTP request File transfer successful, transferred 1,318 bytes in 1 second Parsing 1318 bytes of version information. Found new nightly 2021-12-13 Found new release 3.57.0

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