Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (151 - 153 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#151 filename and contents truncated anonymous

When transferring files whose names contain characters that would be illegal on the remote host, the destination filename is truncated and its byte count is 0. The status window however claims that the transfer was successful.

As an example, transferring a file whose name contains ":" (colon) from unix to a PC running Windows NT, the filename is truncated just prior to the colon and no bytes are actually transferred.

One solution, used by other ftp packages, is to convert the illegal characters. Most convert to "_" (underscore). This would be the simplest fix. A really nice feature (but don't hold up the fix for making it really nice) would be to all the user to specify a mapping. "_" is usally best for most conversions.


#152 Odering local file system nbaxley

This is a very small bug but it gets annoying. I have a folder on my local box that I've added folders to. The new folders always show up at the bottom of the list (in the top frame of the local tree view) and not in alphabetical order.

#153 Incorrect Remote Date/Time carverrn

The Date/Time for the remote server is showing times 4 hours ahead of what the server says they are. For example, FileZilla shows a file has a Date/Time of "08/02/2002 02:14" but the same file on the server shows a Last Modified Date/Time of "Thu Aug 1 22:14:38 2002". The server is showing the correct modification date/time.

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