Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (139 - 141 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#139 (1.9.8) SFTP not working? Alexander Schuch

Our server was switched from normal ftp to sftp. But I cannot login with FileZilla 1.9.8 using 'FTP with explicit encryption'. All I get is following:

Status: Connecting to ... Status: Connected with Waiting for welcome message... Response: SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_3.1p1

(nothing happens for about 5 minutes...)

Error: Timeout detected!

But when I use another client from <>, it works... A bug in FileZilla or maybe a server mis- configuration or something totally different?

BTW: 'FTP with implicit encryption' doesn't work at all and normal FTP says the same as with explicit encryption.

#140 (1.9.8) "show hidden files" not saved Alexander Schuch

Checking "Show hidden files" in "View" menu will always be resetted after restarting FileZilla. There is no option for setting it by default.

#141 Server: Showing incorrect transfer speed dbright

I have a user getting 43-45kb/s from my ftp & in the server status bar it is showing 8132b/s & 16.xx/kb/s - it is alternating. Just a small thing but I noticed it, hope it helps? :/

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