Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (136 - 138 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#194 Italian language interface anonymous

In edit menu the option: Export Setting Import Setting are wrong translated.

The right translate are: Export Setting ---> Esportazione Settaggi Import Setting ---> Importazione Settaggi

Otherthewise you can use: Export Settaggi Import Settaggi


#195 rejected Changing netware servers (and downloading files) anonymous

When logged into a netware server it is possible to also access other servers in the same tree. This is done with the command CD servername/volumename/directoryname/ etc. etc.

Filezilla removes the first / and sends /servername/volumename/directoryname/ which of course fails. Some way to override the default behaviour so that the other servers can be accessed is required.

#196 Crash when pressing F1 danielvijge

FileZilla preforms and illegal operation when pressing F1, just after the CHM help file has been opened. I'm using FileZilla 2.1.1 with Windows 2000 SP3

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