Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (127 - 129 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3937 fixed English language typo in "Target file found" dialog. Gary

There's a grammar blooper in the "Target file found" dialog. I found the line in the code that needs to be changed. I hope the information below is sufficient to fix it. The label is "Please chose an action." Please correct to "Please choose an action." (It's "choose", not "chose".

# filezilla # FileZilla3 # trunk # src # interface # resources # dialogs.xrc

687 <label>The target file already exists.\nPlease chose an action.</label>

#3949 fixed Remote site window Mika

When you delete a directory from a FTP-server the remote window doesn't refresh and the deleted directory still remains on the directory-tree.

#3952 fixed local/remote file names swapped on "file already existing" message window while downloading fabrizio_galletti

While attempting to download a file which already exists in the "local" directory, the info message stating the "file is already present" has 2 problems:

  • text reports a %S instead of the filename
  • under "local" file label there instead is the remote one and the other way round. This is misleading... even though everything works fine.

While uploading the text still reports a %s instead of the filename, while the local/remote files are correctly reported

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