Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (124 - 126 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#124 Error transfering file with 0 byte anonymous

Using Filezilla 1.9.7 I try to transfer file, from local to remote server, with 0 byte length, but Filezilla return error.

#125 not all options available in german anonymous

e.g. show hidden files is missing... seen in version 1.9.7

#126 PWD on FileZilla Server anonymous

PWD works for PWD command, but not to XPWD command. When using ftp for DOS(win 9x) or for CMD (Win NT, 2K), the ftp client sends the XPWD command, that is not understood by FZ Server. I've used debug mode. Then I sent (by literal on this ftp for DOS) a PWD command and it works fine. I think that the same implementation for both comands works good.


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