Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (121 - 123 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#121 Cannot create new directories on remote anonymous

With 1.9.7, any attempt I make to create a new directory on the remote server (or copy a folder to the remote server) gets "550 /Temp/foo/: Bad file descriptor". The remote server is a NetBSD box running its standard FTP server. /Temp is correctly owned by the ftp user. I have no problem creating new directories and copying folders with other FTP clients in that directory, so it's pretty clearly FileZilla's problem.

#122 List view highlighting glitch magra

If I have one or more files selected in the file list view and then change the sort order, the highlighting remains in the same place (now with a different file) rather than moving with the file.

#123 server lets you use .. outside root kimihia

You can use '..' to see below the root of a directory.

ftp> ls .. 200 Port command successful 150 Opening data channel for directory list. site1 site2 226 Transfer OK

For example, directories are set up like so:

c:\ftp c:\ftp\site1 c:\ftp\site2

I have a user "anonymous" set up as follows:

c:\ftp\site1 Files: read Directories: list, subdirs Show relative paths

0.6.0 beta.

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