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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1172 "Always trust this certificate" not working 2.2.28, 2.2.24 elsapo

Checking the "always trust this certificate" is not working -- I am prompted every time whether or not to accept the certificate.

Client is FileZilla 2.2.28 (and I reproduced with 2.2.24 also).

Server is FileZilla Server 0.9.19beta

The popup prompt says self-signed certificate (which is true, as I used the FileZilla Server to generate the cert, several versions ago), error at depth 1 in the chain.

#10099 fixed "An invalid index was passed to wxDisplay" assertion failed when overwriting file Sebastiaan

When I try to overwrite a file (either because I'm uploading a file that already exists on the server, or the other way around), I get the following notification:

An assertion failed! ./src/common/dpycmn.cpp(119): assert "n < GetCount()" failed in wxDisplay(): An invalid index was passed to wxDisplay

(backtrace attached)

After clicking continue (twice), the up/download seems to further work as expected.

I think this was introduced when switching to wxWidgets 3, which was done with FileZilla 3.9.

I am using FileZilla on Arch Linux x86_64, and there is at least one Arch user that has the same problem (report). There is also a report from a Debian user with the same problem, also with FileZilla 3.9.

#11223 fixed "Assert failure" failed while downloading files via sftp johnblood

I was using moving files from our web server using sftp, what I got hit with an "Assert failure" failed error. I hit continue, but it popped up a couple times until the program crashed.

I'm using the latest version of FileZilla on Manjaro Linux 17.0 x64. Error logs included.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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