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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5113 rejected log files need extra abilities ? dasd


Logging System in filezilla server is very poor. It would be nice to log per user, per group, and per actions. I would like to see, from the log file, what files has a client download. Also it would be nice for the user to make his own perriod of every log file not only per day. I have read and some other ideas in other tickets. I think the Logging System needs a review...

thanks Chrysostomos Kolovos

#5117 rejected File dissapears from queue window if external HDD disconnected and reconnected ? Adrian Morse

Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. Start a large file transfer from a remote source to a local external HDD.
  2. Close Filezilla before xfr is complete.
  3. Disconnect or turn off external HDD.
  4. Reopen Filezilla.

    A message appears saying that the file cannot be found for writing. The file is removed from the bottom pane.

  5. Reconnect/turn on the external HDD.

    The file does not reappear in the bottom pane of Filezilla.

  6. Close and Reopen Filezilla.

    The file still does not reappear.

#10242 duplicate bur in newest update? ? archlingo

After updating this morning, the new version failed to login on my Server. Restoring the system - and everything worked perfectly - with the old version

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