Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (10 - 12 of 8174)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#10 File Tranfer Tim Kosse anonymous

v1.3 When I want to tranfer a folder from the ftp server to the client it has no problem get it the list of file into the queue but it keeps stalling and refuses to download the first file in the queue. The only way I can fix it is by closing and reconnecting the program. Then clearing the queue and tranfer the files one at a time.

#11 Little bug when refreshing in 1.4 Tim Kosse anonymous

If you refresh the windows, FileZilla 1.4 will take you to the local storage units in the "Local Site" window, instead of refreshing the directory you are in.

#12 Tranfer Queue Error (Version 1.4) Tim Kosse anonymous

It seems that if a Timeout is detected during a transfer of a file the consol still thinks the file is tranfering and does not allow you to reset the transfer. The only way I can see to fix this is to exit and reopen the program.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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