Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (115 - 117 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#115 MKDIR not compatible with LINUX FTP serv anonymous

MKDIR add / at the end of path. This cause error 553 Could not determine cwdir: No such file or directory.

a / at the end of path is not a correct path for MKDIR command !

No upload is possible on any LINUX SUZE version with FILEZILLA !

Please, DO NOT HAD / at the end of PATH ! ! !

#116 Deadlock cfmsoft

I have experienced a deadlock with FileZilla 1.9.7 each time I access one of my own drives and only that drive. FileZilla blocks and the sistem slows down. The problem occurs when I open any directory but the root of that drive. That didn't happen with version 1.9.4 or any previous versions I used. The drive in question is a unix directory mounted via samba. I have checked and there are no circular links (so the tree is finite) and I can acess everything on the NT Explorer.

#117 Refresh after deletion of folder links2learning

When a single folder is deleted from a remote server the folder is deleted on that remote server. However, Fileziller fails to refresh both the remote server panes. If a manual refresh, via the 'refresh' button, is clicked the panes are correctly updated.

I think this was working OK in 1.8?

Keep up the good work...


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