Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (112 - 114 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#112 server: don't change case of file rmeden

If the FTP server gets an all uppercase file, it changes it to lowercase. It should preserve the case, or at least make it a config option.

#113 (1.9.6) Reconnect button bug/feature Alexander Schuch

I noticed a new feature in FileZilla 1.9.6: The 'reconnect' button remembers the password. But for security reasons I don't save the password on my disk, I always type it in when FileZilla prompts me. The problem is that FileZilla even 'saves' a wrong password so that I have to quit and restart it. A solution would be to remember the password only if it was correct i.e. we get a '230 user logged in' during login.

#114 (1.9.6) refresh problems Alexander Schuch

FileZilla 1.9.6 seems to have some refresh problems: The remote view is neither refreshed after deleting a remote directory nor after changing permission (chmod) of a file/dir.

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