Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (109 - 111 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3885 fixed User-Agent header in HTTP proxy Giovanni

When using "Generic Proxy"->"HTTP/1.1 using CONNECT method" the filezilla client does not send the "User-Agent:" http header as described in

Our proxy server (squid) is configured to block empty or non-existent User-Agent(s) and Filezilla is unable to access the outside world.

Tested on Filezilla Client

#3887 fixed Freeze while uploading/downloading too many files Cédric

I had to backup some files for a computer under Ubuntu and Windows Vista. On Vista, everything is good but on Ubuntu, Filezilla freeze before starting each file transfer. Sometimes, there is 40 seconds between 2 transfers. More connections at once you allowed, more freezes you have. With only 1 connection, it freeze too.

System: Laptop Intel Core 2 duo 1.8 GHz Ethernet 10/100 chipset

Server: FileZilla server under Windows XP SP3

How to reproduce: 1- Take large number of files (use for example 2-3 javadoc folders) 2- Add this files to the queue 3- Start download or upload

#3890 fixed Change font size jklarsen

On Mac Osx 10.5.5 the fonts are huge. Which makes it very hard to get the overview, because you can only have a few lines of text visible. An option to make the font smaller would be very very helpful

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