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Results (106 - 108 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3882 fixed No directory tree on reconnect after deleting directory via shell larsen255

FileZilla 3.1.4-rc1

1) Open FTP connection 2) Change into any directory 3) Disconnect 4) Delete that directory on the server via shell 5) Use reconnect button

Of course, FileZilla shows the error as expected ("Failed to retrieve directory listing"), but no directory tree is shown and so I can´t do anything.

Therefore, I propose the following in case the last used directory cannot be found:

  • Change into directory one level up (perhaps try two, three, ... levels up, but this would prevent the other options down below)
  • If that fails, change into default directory from site settings (if available)
  • If that fails, change into root directory


#3883 fixed Installer: Should automatically start FileZilla after Update larsen255


I really like the update functionality. It´s almost perfect up to one point: FileZilla should be started by the installer when finished. This could be a checkbox as seen in other installers.


#3884 fixed Filezilla Client error while uploading files Luca Pelati

I'm using Filezilla Client (barely updated) on OS X Leopard (updated). I'having the following error: if I try to upload a file from a local folder to the remote folder and I drag from the local folder of filezilla to the remote folder of filezilla it takes a lot of time to release the file in the new folder and start the download. I didn't have this error before with the previous version. Drag & drop ( I mean inside Filezilla ) it's not working works actually but I have to double click somewhere in the remote folder to drop the file and start the tranfert...that's weird!! I hope my english wasn't that bad, I'm italian. If you need more info about that please contact me here: luca@… I'm a web developer and I would like to help as much as I can...

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