Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (106 - 108 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#106 Missing dll Ver 1.9.4 links2learning

Missing dll reported at load!

The dll is named DBGHelp.dll.

Any ideas?

Bye, Clive

#107 VMS Directory Tim Kosse anonymous


I found 2 Bugs concerning VMS:

1) When I want to change the remote directory to somthing like "W:[XXX]", then text ist changed to "/W: [XXX]/" and the directory listing fails.

2) The Version information within the VMS filenames (fname.ext;1 fname.ext;2 ...) is stripped and so I get several files with the same name.

regards Guido

#108 Remote Directory List failing on WinXP Tim Kosse anonymous

When connecting to the server, the connection gets as far as the LIST command and then eventually times out on Windows XP. The strange thing is that this only occurs if I connect via my builtin ethernet card. If I am using a wireless card, then the connection to the same server works fine.

One of my colleagues has the exact opposite problem. He does not get the listing when he uses his Wireless card, but is fine with his wired ethernet card.

On yet another test machine, both interfaces work.

System Info Dell Latitude C600 WinXP (clean install) with all Critical and Driver updates installed for this machine as of 4/19/2002 FileZilla 1.9.4a

Attached is the debug log.

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