Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (103 - 105 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12714 duplicate Interpretation problem and commands Bas Bosch

You closed my ticket too early. Your conclusion is not correct.

One last response:

In your reply (1), you totally fail to indicate why I do manage to log in to my provider, upload files and download files using the other software (PC) and app (Android). If it is a provider problem, then this should not be possible with the other software and app either.

It is a FilezillaPro problem. I am happy to remove it from my PC, because I am completely done with it.

Have a nice day.


... Thanks for your reply. So the issue is not being able to log in (= getting folders) to my provider. I am using the same data/settings as with WinScp (PC) and Solidexplorer (Android). Filezilla Pro generates an error message. Also -eventually- specifying the external path/folder does not help. Already tried *everything*. Again: WinScp and Solidexplorer do not give any problems. I have to use Winscp next to FilezillaPro. A pity and not very convenient either.

Status: Mappenlijst van "/" ophalen... Status: Adres bepalen van Status: Verbinden met Status: Verbinding aangemaakt, TLS initialiseren... Status: TLS-verbinding opgezet, HTTP-aanvraag verzenden Status: Adres bepalen van Status: Verbinden met Status: Verbinding aangemaakt, TLS initialiseren... Status: TLS-verbinding opgezet, HTTP-aanvraag verzenden Opdracht: PROPFIND / HTTP/1.1 Opdracht: Connection: keep-alive Opdracht: Content-Length: 0 Opdracht: Depth: 1 Opdracht: Host: Opdracht: Keep-Alive: 300 Opdracht: User-Agent: FileZilla/3.59.0 Antwoord: HTTP/1.0 302 Found Antwoord: Location: Antwoord: Server: BigIP Antwoord: Connection: Keep-Alive Antwoord: Content-Length: 0 (...) Fout: Te veel omleidingen Fout: Ontvangen van mappenlijst is mislukt

(1) Your answer:

This definitely is a server-side issue. A textbook example of a redirect loop. You need to contact your server administrator or server hosting provider for assistance.

#13035 worksforme File corruption problem - Feature request Bathrax Grimtoad

It happens that sometimes, when the internet connection is bad, that the downloaded file is corrupted. It seems allright, but when you check it, you discover that there is some troubles in it. So it will be very useful to have a control device, like MD5 or SHA256, included into FileZilla Client to be sure that the transfer is OK. As this process is time consuming, it could be optional.

Best regards,


#3792 duplicate Sounds Batwing

I hope I have this in the right place.

In reading they few messages I don't see any response from the developer side of things. This request has been here 5 YEARS!!

Why is this?

I have 3.1.3 and nothing to make sounds from any action.

We should have a choice to play a sound for any action.

Anyway, would it be posiable to have this created for FZ.

By the way, FZ is really nice.... Thanks!!

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